ICME 15: Convocatoria para la presentación de ponencias y posters a los Grupos de Estudio de Temas (TOpic Study Groups / TSG)



ICME 15: Convocatoria para la presentación de ponencias y posters a los Grupos de Estudio de Temas (TOpic Study Groups / TSG)

El 15º Congreso Internacional de Educación Matemática (ICME-15) https://icme15.org  invita a la presentación de trabajos y propuestas de carteles a los Grupos de Estudio de Temas (Topic Study Group/TSG). Los TSG son una oportunidad única para explorar en colaboración temas clásicos y contemporáneos relevantes para la Educación Matemática a través de la presentación de artículos, discusiones basadas en sesiones y síntesis de informes.

El envío de propuestas a los TSG se cerrará el 18 de agosto de 2023.

Los TSG están organizados en dos grupos. Cada participante podrá optar a un TSG de cada grupo:

Strand A

Strand B

1.1: Teaching and learning of number and arithmetic

1.2: Teaching and learning of early algebra

1.3: Teaching and learning of algebra at secondary and tertiary levels

1.4: Teaching and learning of geometry

1.5: Teaching and learning of measurement

1.6: Teaching and learning of probability

1.7: Teaching and learning of statistics

1.8: Teaching and learning of calculus

1.9: Teaching and learning of computational thinking

1.10: Teaching and learning of discrete mathematics

2.1: Mathematics education for students with special learning needs

2.3: Mathematics and creativity; mathematical competitions; mathematical challenge

2.2: Research on mathematical promise and giftedness

2.5: Ethnomathematics and First Nations/Indigenous people’s mathematics and mathematics education

2.4: Culture, language and ethnicity in mathematics education

2.6: Mathematics education in under-resourced contexts

3.2: Mathematics education at tertiary level

3.1: Mathematics education at early childhood and primary level

3.3: Problem posing and solving in mathematics education

3.4: Mathematical applications and modelling in mathematics education

3.5: Visualization and embodiment in mathematics education

3.6: Reasoning, argumentation and proof in mathematics education

3.7: The role and the use of technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics at primary and lower secondary levels

3.9: Research on mathematics classroom practice at primary level

3.8: The role and the use of technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics at upper secondary and tertiary level

3.10: Research on mathematics classroom practice at secondary level

3.11: Task design and analysis

3.12: Research and development on textbooks and resources for learning and teaching mathematics

3.14: Research and development in assessment in mathematics education

3.13: Language and communication in the mathematics classroom

3.16: Mathematics and interdisciplinary education/STEM education

3.15: Research and development in testing (national and international) in mathematics education

3.17: E-teaching and learning/blended teaching and learning

3.18: Data science teaching and learning

4.1: Preservice mathematics teacher education for the early childhood/primary level

4.2: Preservice mathematics teacher education for the secondary level

4.4: In-service mathematics teacher education and mathematics teacher professional development for secondary level

4.3: In-service mathematics teacher education and mathematics teacher professional development for primary level

4.5: Knowledge in/for teaching mathematics at primary level

4.6: Knowledge in/for teaching mathematics at secondary level

5.1: Students’ identity, motivation and attitudes towards mathematics and its study

4.7: Affect, beliefs, and identity of mathematics teachers

5.2: Mathematical literacy

4.8: Knowledge and practice of mathematics teacher educators

5.3: Cognition, learning sciences, and neurosciences in mathematics education

5.5: Social and political dimensions of mathematics education

5.4: The role of the history of mathematics in mathematics education

5.6: Research and development on mathematics curriculum

5.8: Philosophy of mathematics and mathematics education

5.7: Mathematics education in and for work; lifelong mathematics education including adult education

5.10: Methods and methodologies in mathematics education research

5.9: Theories in mathematics education

5.11: International cooperation in mathematics education

5.12: Popularization of mathematics



Para más información sobre los TSG y sobre el ICME-15, consultar https://icme15.org/icme-15-scientific-program/topic-study-groups/ 

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Nelly León
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