Hoy recibí un grato correo de una académica griega sobre nuestro querido Carlos Vasco. Me pareció pertinente compartirlo en esta entrada:
Dear Angel Ruiz,
My name is Joanna Mamona Downs, a Mathematics educator from Greece. (My work through the years is on the Didactics of Analysis and Problem solving at University level).
At the moment, (being emerita…) I try to recap some of my work for a book perhaps. In this process, I recollect research papers that made really an impact on me; one of them was “Learning elementary school mathematics as a culturally conditioned process” by Carlos Vasco.
I had met Carlos Vasco at the LRDC –University of Pittsburgh- at early nineties and later at 2008 ICMI at Monterrey Mexico. I was very honoured to ‘notice’ me and talking a bit with Carlos about my research interests at the beginning of my career. I was deeply impressed by his knowledge depth and humanitarian stance.
A couple of days ago reading again his article that I referred above I felt the need to communicate with him. Trying to find his mail address I saw your note about “Carlos Vasco 1937-2022”. I felt really sad not to have the opportunity to say a Thanks for what he taught us; I do not know how his passing away had escaped
my attention.
I just thought to communicate it with you and other colleagues in the region of Americas that you were lucky enough to know him well.
Carlos was a beacon for me.
All the best for 2023!
Joanna Mamona-Downs.
Sobre el autor
Nacido en Costa Rica, Ángel Ruiz es especialista en la Historia y Filosofía de las Matemáticas, y en diversos temas de la Educación Matemática, especialmente el currículo.
Ángel fue el presidente del Comité Interamericano de Educación Matemática 2007-2023. Presidente de su Consejo Internacional desde 2024.
Desde 2012 ha sido el líder de la Red de Educación Matemática de América Central y El Caribe.